
“Managing work-life balance is essential if you are to obtain both professional success and personal satisfaction from your accomplishments.”

Professional Casuals

Many people think of casual or temporary employment as a "fill in" between permanent positions. This is no longer the case. Due to the changing trend of employment in Australia from full time positions to that of temporary and casual positions, many people are now becoming what we call "Professional Casuals". Importantly, Professional Casuals choose to work as full-time casuals so that they have greater career flexibility and a varied workplace.

Temporary work does not necessarily mean going to a different company every day. Assignments can last from half a day to years depending on the requirements of the client. Casuals are paid an hourly rate and this rate is higher than that of permanent staff.

Flexibility is also another benefit of being a professional casual. You have more choice of where and when you can work to best suit your lifestyle away from work. One of the great advantages of having this flexibility is that it keeps you in control of the balance between work and play.

Employment Tips

Make the best of your opportunities with these recruitment tips: